A Little Bit About Me
Having a section like this feels a bit odd, but then again, if you weren't a little bit interested, you wouldn't be reading. I'm a little Australian writer who doesn't have very much out there just yet, but with a heck of a lot of determination to write all those novels inside my head and let people read them.
I have been writing for as long as I can remember, starting in early primary school by stealing my siblings school excercise books to write in the back few pages and making scripts on scrap pieces of paper for my friends and I to film on weekends.
So far, I have had a number of short stories and poems published in magazines and anthologies, but I am predominately a novelist. I am aiming to get my first novel - The Unfortunate and Unexpected Fall of Mr. Humphrey Dumpton - finished as soon as possible.
I love stories and art and writing and books and music (although I cannot play an instrument for the life of me). I am a fierce believer in the power of beauty and the arts in shaping our society, and therefore the responsibility creatives have in doing this well.